ALL HAIL THE CHVRCH OF RAVE THE REQVIEM! That is the mission of Sweden’s metal pioneers RAVE THE REQVIEM. Their modern hybrid of symphonic and industrial metal has supplied THE CHVRCH OF RTR with a steady stream of new believers since day one. It was the Japan-based label DWA that first discovered the band and released their debut album in 2014. A smash hit which became both the fastest-selling and best-selling debut album ever on DWA. Boasting with their devoted underground following, the band decided it was time to shed their skin and signed with Out Of Line Music in 2017. The band has – ever since – steadily been building up a larger fan base, reaching further and further into mainstream territories. With the 5th magnum opus ”EX-EDEN” – their darkest, heaviest and most defined album to date – the band goes on a soul-searching journey through death and despair in a dying paradise. Prepare for a sonic assault with heavy guitars, hard beats, sweet melodies, catchy hooks and epic Baroque orchestrations! The crème de la crème of all that is RAVE THE REQVIEM. † THE PROPHET – Vocals, Guitars and Programming † THE SISTER SVPERIOR – Vocals † THE CANTOR – Vocals, Keyboards and Percussion † THE ARCHBISHOP – Bass † THE DEACON – Drums